Non Profit / Social Enterprise
Fair trade textiles initiative and sustainable tourism program in Peru
Barefoot College
Helps rural communities become self-sufficient and sustainable
Enough Project
End genocide and crimes against humanity
Global Mamas
Helps women in Africa grow micro enterprises and become self sufficient
Indego Africa
Social enterprise that partners with women artisans in Rwanda to create a sustainable, long-term solution to poverty
Provides information communications technology to rural and underserved communities in the developing world
Facilitates micro loans to help alleviate poverty in developing countries
Room to Read
Builds school libraries in developing countries
Sustainable Health Enterprises
Facilitates social enterprises that create feminine hygiene in developing countries
Women for Women International
Helps women survivors of war rebuild their lives
World Reader
Provides digital books to kids in developing countries
Animals / Wildlife
Phangan Animal Care
Provides medical care for street dogs in Koh Phangan, Thailand
Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
Rescues orphaned elephants in Kenya
The Sato Project
Rescues dogs and provides spay/neuter services in Puerto Rico
Think Elephants
Supports wildlife conservation through education
Wild Animal Sanctuary
Animal sanctuary in Colorado that rescues wildlife from around the world